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Omega De Ville Replica Watches

The Tambour Twin Chrono Grand Sport by Omega De Ville Replica Watches is a piece that can be proud of the patented feature. The watch features two chronographs that are both active at the same moment and can be used for measuring two events that start simultaneously. The second event will still be timed when the first is over and the wearer stops that counter. The third counter, which shows the difference in the two times elapsed is also activated at the same time. This is the unique feature of this model. This is not the end of the story. The piece is also known as a mono-pusher Chronograph because it can be operated by a single button to operate both stopwatches. The Omega De Ville Replica Watches Twin Chrono Grande Sport timepiece comes in a white-gold case. It is available in a limited number of 30 pieces and will cost around $82,000.

Omega De Ville Replica Watches Tambour Twin Chrono Sport Watch

Let's start the story of the Omega De Ville Replica Watches newcomer with a little more detail about its patent feature. The two chronographs on the watch are located at opposite ends of the dial. These stopwatches can be used to time the racing times of two vehicles who start at the same moment. As soon as the race begins and the wearer presses on the pusher in the 8 o'clock spot, these counters that have a maximum capacity of 60 minute start ticking.Omega De Ville Replica Watches When the fastest object completes the race, the next crucial moment is reached. Press the same push-piece again. This stops the left lower counter, and activates at the same time the sub-dial in the 12 o'clock position. The lower right counter continues to work. The pusher must be pressed once again when the slower object finishes the race. This will stop both counters. The counters will show the elapsed time of two objects, as well as their instantaneous difference.

Omega De Ville Replica Watches chose to highlight the timer which shows the difference between the two periods. The timer is placed in the top right corner, and it has a mirror finish. It's a little bigger than the other counters. It is also worth mentioning that the second hand on each chrono counter is red and the minute hand silver, which makes it easier to read the information displayed. The fourth push of the corresponding button resets the three counters once the wearer is satisfied with the displayed information. The monopoussoir is a chronograph because each operation can be activated by the same button.

From Sailing to Motor RacingOmega De Ville Replica Watches's new piece is a special edition of a model launched by the brand last year. The watch, whose name did not include the word "Grand Sport", was in fact dedicated to sailing regattas. This explains its origin. The sport involves two boats that start at the exact same time, and compete head-to-head. Omega De Ville Replica Watches wants to highlight that the patented feature,IWC Replica Watches regardless of its sailing origins, is useful beyond the sailing world. The new model, as suggested by the name, is geared towards motor racing. The new watch has a different face than the one that was released last year. It is gray and features an opening at the bottom. The dial-side skeletonized part reveals, unlike the previous version, the column wheel of the watch caliber.